语句就相当于上面第二种情况的跳转下面这个循环的例子,来自 一个MBR Record的反汇编
0743: 8b f0 mov si,ax # char *buf = 0x0700 + AL; # do{ 0745: ac lods al,BYTE PTR ds:[si] # char c = *buf; buf++; 0746: 3c 00 cmp al,0x0 # if(c == '\0') break; 0748: 74 09 je 0x753 # 074a: bb 07 00 mov bx,0x7 # 074d: b4 0e mov ah,0xe # 074f: cd 10 int 0x10 # putc(c); 0751: eb f2 jmp 0x745 # }while(1); 0753: f4 hlt # halt
statements_outside; while(1) { statements_inside; if(expr2) break; if(expr1) continue; statements_inside; } statements_outside;
...... : statements_outside # outside the loop offset-0 : statements_inside # start the loop ...... : expr2 ...... : je offset-P # break: 2nd type jump, break the loop ...... : expr1 ...... : je offset-0 # continue: 1st type jump, continue the loop ...... : statements_inside offset-N : jmp offset-0 # 1st type jump, continue the loop offset-P : statements_outside # outside the loop