#!/usr/bin/tclsh # # Given 3 doors, 1 of them has a car behind. # You choose 1 door from the 3. # Then from the left 2 doors, one which has no car behind will be open for you. # Now question is: Do you want to change your choice? # # Is it a half to half possibility? # package require Tcl 8.5 proc test_win {N} { for {set i $N } {$i > 0} {incr i -1} { set doors [list 0 0 0] lset doors [expr int(floor(rand()*3))] 1 ;# random place the car behind one door set idx [expr int(floor(rand()*3))] set door_pick [lindex $doors $idx] ;# random pick one door set left_doors [lreplace $doors $idx $idx] # random remove one door has no car in the left 2 doors while {1} { set idx [expr int(floor(rand()*2))] if {[lindex $left_doors $idx] == 0} break } set last_doors [lreplace $left_doors $idx $idx] set door_left [lindex $last_doors 0] # if swap if {$door_left == 1} { incr counter(swap.succ) } else { incr counter(swap.fail) } # if not swap if {$door_pick == 1} { incr counter(keep.succ) } else { incr counter(keep.fail) } } puts [format "%6d | %6d %6.2f%% | %6d %6.2f%%" $N \ $counter(swap.succ) [expr {$counter(swap.succ)*100.0/$N}] \ $counter(keep.succ) [expr {$counter(keep.succ)*100.0/$N}] \ ] } #------------------------------------------------------ # main #------------------------------------------------------ puts [string repeat "-" 48] puts [format "%6s | %14s | %14s" "" "If Swap" "If Keep"] puts [format "%6s | %6s %7s | %6s %7s" "N" "#succ" "succ%" "#succ" "succ%"] puts [string repeat "-" 48] foreach N {10 100 1000 10000 100000} { test_win $N } exit #------------------------------------------------------ # Output #------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ | If Swap | If Keep N | #succ succ% | #succ succ% ------------------------------------------------ 10 | 6 60.00% | 4 40.00% 100 | 63 63.00% | 37 37.00% 1000 | 683 68.30% | 317 31.70% 10000 | 6747 67.47% | 3253 32.53% 100000 | 66411 66.41% | 33589 33.59%