Tk中进度条(Progress Bar)的实现


    # 2008/12/03 01:05 @ Sean Zhang

    Tk 本身没有内置的进度条的。目前看到三种实现方案。

    基于 scale 控件的

     # progress.tcl --
     # A simple progress meter using a Tk scale widget.
     # ======================================================================
     proc progress {W args} {
       array set map [list \
         -bd -borderwidth \
         -bg -background \
       array set arg [list \
         -activebackground blue \
         -borderwidth 1 \
         -from 0 \
         -to 100 \
         -orient horizontal \
         -sliderrelief flat \
         -sliderlength 0 \
         -troughcolor #AAAAAA \
         -showvalue 0 \
         -label 0 \
         -state active \
       foreach {option value} $args {
         if { [info exists map($option)] } { set option $map($option) }
         set arg($option) $value
       eval [linsert [array get arg] 0 scale $W]
       bind $W <Enter>  {break}
       bind $W <Leave>  {break}
       bind $W <Motion> {break}
       bind $W <1>      {break}
       bind $W <ButtonRelease-1> {break}
       bind $W <Configure> [list [namespace current]::progress:redraw %W]
       return $W
     # ======================================================================
     proc progress:redraw {W} {
       set value [$W cget -label]
       set bd    [$W cget -bd]
       set ht    [$W cget -highlightthickness]
       set from  [$W cget -from]
       set to    [$W cget -to]
       set w [winfo width $W]
       set tw [expr {$w - (4 * $bd) - (2 * $ht)}]
       set range [expr {$to - $from}]
       set pc [expr {($value - $from) * 1.0 / $range}]
       set sl [expr {round($pc * $tw)}]
       $W configure -sliderlength $sl
     # ======================================================================
     proc progress:set {W value} {
       $W configure -label $value
       progress:redraw $W
     # ======================================================================
     proc go {W value} {
       progress:set $W $value
       incr value
       if { $value <= 75 } {
         after 50 [list go $W $value]
       if { [info exists argv0] && [string equal [info script] $argv0] } {
         progress .sc
         button .go -text go -default active \
           -command [list [namespace current]::go .sc 0]
         pack .sc -side top    -expand 1 -fill both
         pack .go -side bottom -expand 0 -fill none -anchor se

    基于 canvas 控件的实现

    • 参考

    <q style="max-width:640px"/> </q style="max-width:640px"/>

    • 进度条
        # build
        package require Tk
        canvas .c -width 200 -height 20 -bd 1 -relief groove -highlightt 0
        .c create rectangle 0 0 0 20 -tags bar -fill navy
        proc run {percent} { .c coords bar 0 0 [expr {int($percent * 2)}] 20 }
        pack .c -padx 10 -pady 10
        # run
        focus -force .c
        raise .c
        for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} \
          run $i
          after 100
    • 圆形的
        # build
        canvas .c -width 50 -height 50 -highlightt 0
        .c create oval 2 2 48 48 -tags t1 -fill red -outline ""
        .c create arc 2 2 48 48 -tags t2 -fill green -extent 0 -outline ""
        .c create text 25 25 -tags t3
        pack .c -padx 60 -pady 5
        proc run {percent} \
          .c itemconfig t3 -text $percent%
          .c itemconfig t2 -extent [expr {round($percent * 3.6)}]
        # run
        focus -force .c
        raise .c
        for {set i 0} {$i <= 100} {incr i} \
          run $i
          after 100
        .c itemconfig t1 -fill green

    基于 frame 控件的

    • 参考
     # progress.tcl
     # Created by William J Giddings, 2006
     # Simple progress bar with minimal options
     # Notes: Value sent to bar must be within range 0.0 - 1.0
     # Credits:
     # simple progress bar
     proc progress {w args} {
      eval frame $w $args ;# create the "base" thing
      frame $ -background blue -relief raised -borderwidth 6
      place $ -relwidth .3 -relheight 1.0
      rename $w _$w      ;# keep the original widget command
      # Here comes the overloaded widget proc:
      proc $w {args} {
        set self [lindex [info level 0] 0] ;# get name I was called with
        foreach {opt val} $args {
    	switch -- $opt {
    	  -val   {eval "place $ -relwidth $val"}
    	  default {uplevel 1 _$self $args}
      return $w ;# like the original "text" command
     # Some demo stuff
     pack [frame .fr1 ] -fill x
     foreach {i j} {1 0.25 2 0.50 3 0.75 } {
      pack [button .fr1.b$i -text $j -command ".pg -val $j" -width 5] -side left
     pack [progress .pg -height 16 -width 120 -borderwidth 2 -relief sunken]
