Tk 实例:Bitmap Editor


    # 2007-11-19 14:45:36 by Sean Zhang

    Tk Bitmap Editor


    Tk 还是挺强大的吧。:)


    # The next line is executed by /bin/sh, but not tcl \
     exec wish $0 ${1+"$@"}
     # bitmap.tcl -- simple bitmap editor
     # by Keith Vetter
     # Revisions:
     # KPV Jan 15, 2003 - initial revision
     # KPV Mar 06, 2003 - added functions like shift, clear, invert and resize
     package require Tk
     set S(cell) 10
     set S(prog) "Bitmap Editor"
     set S(fname) ""
     array set bits { 0 0000 1 1000 2 0100 3 1100 4 0010 5 1010 6 0110 7 1110
                      8 0001 9 1001 a 0101 b 1101 c 0011 d 1011 e 0111 f 1111}
     set bitmap {
        #define bullet_width  11
        #define bullet_height  9
        static char bullet_bits[] = {
            0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00, 0x70,0x00, 0xf8,0x00, 0xf8,0x00,
            0xf8,0x00, 0x70,0x00, 0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00
     # DoDisplay -- sets up our display
     proc DoDisplay {} {
        wm title . $::S(prog)
        canvas .c -width 500 -height 500 -bd 2 -relief ridge -highlightthickness 0
        .c xview moveto 0 ; .c yview moveto 0
        bind .c <2> [bind Text <2>]                 ;# Enable button 2 paning
        bind .c <B2-Motion> [bind Text <B2-Motion>]
        frame .fctrl -bd 2 -relief ridge
        label .info -text "Left button to set    Right button to clear" -anchor c \
            -bd 2 -relief ridge
        grid .c .fctrl -sticky news -row 0
        grid .info   ^ -sticky ew
        grid rowconfigure . 0 -weight 1
        grid columnconfigure . 0 -weight 1
     # DoMenus -- sets up our menus
     proc DoMenus {} {
        . configure -menu [menu .m -tearoff 0]
        .m add cascade -menu [menu .m.file  -tearoff 0] -label "File"  -underline 0
        .m add cascade -menu [menu .m.image -tearoff 0] -label "Image" -underline 0
        .m add cascade -menu [menu  -tearoff 0] -label "Help"  -underline 0
        .m.file add command -label "New"  -under 0 -command NewBMP
        .m.file add command -label "Open" -under 0 -command OpenBMP
        .m.file add command -label "Save" -under 0 -command SaveBMP
        .m.file add separator
        .m.file add command -label "Copy" -under 0 -command CopyBMP
        .m.file add separator
        .m.file add command -label Exit -under 1 -command exit
        .m.image add command -label "Clear"       -under 0 -command {BitFunc clear}
        .m.image add command -label "Invert"      -under 0 -command {BitFunc invert}
        .m.image add command -label "Shift left"  -under 6 -command {BitFunc sleft}
        .m.image add command -label "Shift right" -under 6 -command {BitFunc sright}
        .m.image add command -label "Shift up"    -under 6 -command {BitFunc sup}
        .m.image add command -label "Shift down"  -under 6 -command {BitFunc sdown}
        .m.image add separator
        .m.image add command -label "Resize"      -under 0 -command ResizeBMP
    add command -label About -under 0 -command About
     # DoControl -- draws the control panel
     proc DoControl {} {
        grid rowconfigure .fctrl   0 -minsize 10
        grid rowconfigure .fctrl 100 -weight 1
        frame .fctop
        grid .fctop - - -in .fctrl -row 1
        set row 0
        foreach a {Name Width Height} {
            set a2 [string map {" " ""} [string tolower $a]]
            label .l$a2 -text "$a:"
            entry .e$a2 -textvariable BM($a2) -width 8 -state disabled
            grid .l$a2 .e$a2 -in .fctop -row [incr row]
        image create bitmap ::img::current
        frame .fimg -bd 2 -relief sunken -padx 10 -pady 10
        label .limg -image ::img::current -bg white
        grid rowconfigure .fctrl 40 -minsize 50
        grid .fimg - - -in .fctrl -row 41
        pack .limg -in .fimg -expand 1
     # ShowBMP -- computes grid size then draws in the current bitmap
     proc ShowBMP {} {
        global S BM
        if {! [info exists BM(raw)]} return
        set w [winfo width .c] ; set h [winfo height .c]
        set cw [expr {int((($w - 20) / $BM(width)))}]
        set ch [expr {int((($h - 20) / $BM(height)))}]
        set S(cell) [expr {$cw < $ch ? $cw : $ch}]
        if {$S(cell) > 40} { set S(cell) 40}
        if {$S(cell) <  5} { set S(cell) 5}
        unset BM(bits)
        ::img::current config -data $BM(raw)        ;# Update current bitmap display
     # ClearBMP -- clears everything for a new bitmap
     proc ClearBMP {} {
        global BM
        .c delete all
        ::img::current config -data {}
        array unset BM
        foreach arr [array names BM] { set BM($arr) ""}
     # DrawGrid -- draws the grid of rectangles--each one with proper bindings
     proc DrawGrid {} {
        global BM
        .c delete all
        foreach {l t} [CellXY 0 0] break
        foreach {b r} [CellXY $BM(height) $BM(width)] break
        .c create rect $l $t $b $r -tag outline -width 2
        set bg [.c cget -bg]
        for {set r 0} {$r < $BM(height)} {incr r} {
            for {set c 0} {$c < $BM(width)} {incr c} {
                .c create rect [CellXY $r $c] -tag [list grid c($r,$c)] -fill $bg
                .c bind c($r,$c) <1> [list Click 1 cell $r $c]
                .c bind c($r,$c) <3> [list Click 2 cell $r $c]
        .c config -scrollregion [.c bbox all]
     # Click -- handles left and right mouse click in a grid cell
     proc Click {btn what row col} {
        global BM
        if {$btn == 1} {                            ;# Set the pixel
            if {$BM(b,$row,$col)} return            ;# Already set
            set BM(b,$row,$col) 1
            ShowBitCell $row $col
        } else {                                    ;# Clear the pixel
            if {! $BM(b,$row,$col)} return          ;# Already cleare
            set BM(b,$row,$col) 0
            .c delete o($row,$col)
        set BM(raw) [UnparseBMP]
        ::img::current config -data $BM(raw)
     # ShowBits -- draws dots in all "on" cells in the current bitmap,
     # only valid after ParseBMP fills in the BM(bits) variable.
     proc ShowBits {} {
        global BM bits
        set row 0
        set col 0
        foreach byte $BM(bits) {
            foreach {n1 n2} [split $byte ""] break  ;# Get each nibble
            foreach bit [split "$bits($n2)$bits($n1)" ""] { ;# Note the endian
                set BM(b,$row,$col) $bit
                if {$bit} {
                    ShowBitCell $row $col
                if {[incr col] >= $BM(width)} {     ;# Do we past the last column?
                    incr row
                    set col 0
     # ShowBitCell -- draws the "on" bit in a specified cell
     proc ShowBitCell {row col} {
        .c create oval [CellXY $row $col] -fill black -tag [list bit o($row,$col)]
        .c bind o($row,$col) <1> [list Click 1 oval $row $col]
        .c bind o($row,$col) <3> [list Click 2 oval $row $col]
     # CellXY -- returns the coordinates of a grid cell
     proc CellXY {r c} {
        global S
        set x1 [expr {10 + $c * $S(cell)}]
        set y1 [expr {10 + $r * $S(cell)}]
        set x2 [expr {$x1 + $S(cell)}]
        set y2 [expr {$y1 + $S(cell)}]
        return [list $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2]
     # ParseBMP -- reads the raw bitmap data into our BM data structure
     # NB. face.bmp in demo directory had defines for x_hot and y_hot
     proc ParseBMP {raw} {
        global S BM
        set BM(raw) $raw
        while {1} {
            if {! [regexp {\#define\s+(.*)_width}        $raw => BM(name)]} break
            if {! [regexp {\#define\s+.*_width\s*(\d*)}  $raw => BM(width)]} break
            if {! [regexp {\#define\s+.*_height\s*(\d*)} $raw => BM(height)]} break
            regexp {\#define\s+.*_x_hot\s*(\d*)}  $raw => BM(xhot)
            regexp {\#define\s+.*_y_hot\s*(\d*)}  $raw => BM(yhot)
            if {! [regexp {(0x.*)\}}                     $raw => BM(bits)]} break
            if {! [regsub -all {0x|,} $BM(bits) { }              BM(bits)]} break
            if {! [regsub -all {\s+}  $BM(bits) { }              BM(bits)]} break
            set BM(bits) [string tolower $BM(bits)]
            return                                  ;# Everything ok, get out
        ERROR "$S(fname) is not a proper bmp file"
     # OpenBMP -- opens and reads a BMP file
     proc OpenBMP {} {
        global S
        set types { {{BMP Files} {.bmp}} {{All Files} * }}
        set fname [tk_getOpenFile -defaultextension ".bmp" -initialfile $S(fname) \
                       -filetypes $types]
        if {$fname == ""} return
        if {[catch {set FIN [open $fname r]} emsg]} {
            ERROR "Cannot open $fname\n$emsg"
        set raw [read $FIN]
        close $FIN
        set S(fname) $fname
        ParseBMP $raw
     # SaveBMP -- saves the current bitmap to a file
     proc SaveBMP {} {
        global S BM
        if {! [info exists BM(raw)]} return
        set types {{{BMP Files} {.bmp}} {{All Files} *}}
        set fname [tk_getSaveFile -defaultextension ".bmp" -initialfile $S(fname) \
                       -filetypes $types]
        if {$fname == ""} return
        if {[catch {set FOUT [open $fname w]} emsg]} {
            ERROR "Cannot open $fname\n$emsg"
        puts $FOUT $BM(raw)
        close $FOUT
        set S(fname) $fname
     # UnparseBMP -- converts our internal BM into a proper bitmap data string
     proc UnparseBMP {} {
        global BM
        set name $BM(name)
        set bmp "\#define ${name}_width $BM(width)\n"
        append bmp "\#define ${name}_height $BM(height)\n"
        if {[info exists BM(xhot)]} {
            append bmp "\#define ${name}_x_hot $BM(xhot)\n"
            append bmp "\#define ${name}_y_hot $BM(yhot)\n"
        append bmp "static char ${name}_bits[] = \{\n"
        set bytes {}
        for {set r 0} {$r < $BM(height)} {incr r} {
            for {set c 0} {$c < $BM(width)} {incr c 8} {
                set byte 0
                for {set cc [expr {$c + 7}]} {$cc >= $c} {incr cc -1} {
                    set byte [expr {2 * $byte}]
                    if {[info exists BM(b,$r,$cc)] && $BM(b,$r,$cc)} {
                        incr byte
                lappend bytes [format 0x%02x $byte]
        append bmp "    " [join $bytes ", "]
        append bmp "\n\}"
        return $bmp
     # CopyBMP -- copies current bitmap to the clipboard
     proc CopyBMP {} {
        global BM S
        if {! [info exists BM(raw)]} return
        clipboard clear
        clipboard append $BM(raw)
        tk_messageBox -icon info -title "$S(prog) Info" \
            -message "Bitmap copied to the clipboard"
     # NewBMP -- creates a blank, new bitmap with sizes specified by the user
     proc NewBMP {} {
        global BM
        set n [NewDlg]
        if {$n == {}} return
        foreach {name width height} $n break
        set BM(name)   $name
        set BM(width)  $width
        set BM(height) $height
        for {set r 0} {$r < $BM(height)} {incr r} {
            for {set c 0} {$c < $BM(width)} {incr c} {
                set BM(b,$r,$c) 0
        ParseBMP [UnparseBMP]
     proc ResizeBMP {} {
        global BMP
        set n [NewDlg 1]
        if {$n == {}} return
        foreach {. nwidth nheight} $n break
        WidenBMP $nwidth
        HeightenBMP $nheight
        ParseBMP [UnparseBMP]
     proc WidenBMP {nwidth} {
        global BM
        if {$BM(width) == $nwidth} return
        if {$nwidth > $BM(width)} {
            foreach {low high delete} [list $BM(width) $nwidth 0] break
        } else {
            foreach {low high delete} [list $nwidth $BM(width) 1] break
        for {set row 0} {$row < $BM(height)} {incr row} {
            for {set col $low} {$col < $high} {incr col} {
                set BM(b,$row,$col) 0
                if {$delete} {
                    unset BM(b,$row,$col)
        set BM(width) $nwidth
     proc HeightenBMP {nheight} {
        global BM
        if {$BM(height) == $nheight} return
        if {$nheight > $BM(height)} {
            foreach {low high delete} [list $BM(height) $nheight 0] break
        } else {
            foreach {low high delete} [list $nheight $BM(height) 1] break
        for {set col 0} {$col < $BM(width)} {incr col} {
            for {set row $low} {$row < $high} {incr row} {
                set BM(b,$row,$col) 0
                if {$delete} {
                    unset BM(b,$row,$col)
        set BM(height) $nheight
     # NewDlg -- asks the user for bitmap parameters
     proc NewDlg {{resize 0}} {
        global S NEW BM
        destroy  .new
        toplevel .new -padx 10 -pady 5
        wm title .new "New Bitmap"
        if {$resize} {wm title .new "Resize Bitmap"}
        wm geom .new "+[expr {[winfo x .] + 150}]+[expr {[winfo y .] + 100}]"
        set NEW(ok) 0
        set NEW(width) $BM(width)
        set NEW(height) $BM(height)
        frame -bd 2 -relief raised -padx 10 -pady 10
        grid columnconfigure 1 -weight 1
        set widgets {name width height}
        if {$resize} {
            set NEW(name) "xx"
            set widgets {width height}
        foreach a $widgets {
            set a1 [string totitle $a]
            label .new.l$a -text "$a1:"
            entry .new.e$a -textvariable NEW($a)
            grid  .new.l$a .new.e$a -in -sticky ew
        frame  .new.buttons
        button .new.ok     -text Ok     -width 10 -command ValidForm
        button .new.cancel -text Cancel -width 10 -command {destroy .new}
        pack .new.buttons -side bottom -pady 10
        pack -side top -fill x
        pack .new.cancel .new.ok -in .new.buttons -side right -padx 10 -expand 1
        raise .new
        set w ".new.e[lindex $widgets 0]"
        focus $w
        $w icursor end
        $w selection range 0 end
        tkwait window .new
        if {$NEW(ok)} {
            return [list $NEW(name) $NEW(width) $NEW(height)]
        return {}
     # ValidForm -- validates the NewDlg and then destroys it if it is ok
     proc ValidForm {} {
        global NEW
        foreach n {name width height} {
            set NEW($n) [string trim $NEW($n)]
            if {$NEW($n) == ""} return
        if {![string is integer $NEW(width)]} return
        if {![string is integer $NEW(height)]} return
        set NEW(ok) 1
        destroy .new
     proc ERROR {msg} {
        tk_messageBox -icon error -title "$::S(prog) Error" -message $msg
     proc About {} {
        set msg "$::S(prog)\n\nby Keith Vetter\nJanuary 2003"
        tk_messageBox -title "About $::S(prog)" -message $msg -icon info
     proc BitFunc {what} {
        global BM
        if {$what == "clear"} {
            foreach arr [array names BM b,*] {
                set BM($arr) 0
        } elseif {$what == "invert"} {
            foreach arr [array names BM b,*] {
                set BM($arr) [expr {! $BM($arr)}]
        } elseif {$what == "sleft"} {               ;# Shift left
            for {set col 0} {$col < $BM(width)} {incr col} {
                set col2 [expr {$col + 1}]
                for {set row 0} {$row < $BM(height)} {incr row} {
                    if {[info exists BM(b,$row,$col2)]} {
                        set BM(b,$row,$col) $BM(b,$row,$col2)
                    } else {
                        set BM(b,$row,$col) 0
        } elseif {$what == "sright"} {              ;# Shift right
            for {set col [expr {$BM(width) - 1}]} {$col >= 0} {incr col -1} {
                set col2 [expr {$col - 1}]
                for {set row 0} {$row < $BM(height)} {incr row} {
                    if {[info exists BM(b,$row,$col2)]} {
                        set BM(b,$row,$col) $BM(b,$row,$col2)
                    } else {
                        set BM(b,$row,$col) 0
        } elseif {$what == "sup"} {                 ;# Shift up
            for {set row 0} {$row < $BM(height)} {incr row} {
                set row2 [expr {$row + 1}]
                for {set col 0} {$col < $BM(width)} {incr col} {
                    if {[info exists BM(b,$row2,$col)]} {
                        set BM(b,$row,$col) $BM(b,$row2,$col)
                    } else {
                        set BM(b,$row,$col) 0
        } elseif {$what == "sdown"} {               ;# Shift down
            for {set row [expr {$BM(height) - 1}]} {$row >= 0} {incr row -1} {
                set row2 [expr {$row - 1}]
                for {set col 0} {$col < $BM(width)} {incr col} {
                    if {[info exists BM(b,$row2,$col)]} {
                        set BM(b,$row,$col) $BM(b,$row2,$col)
                    } else {
                        set BM(b,$row,$col) 0
        set BM(raw) [UnparseBMP]
        ::img::current config -data $BM(raw)
     proc RedrawBits {} {
        global BM
        .c delete bit
        for {set row 0} {$row < $BM(height)} {incr row} {
            for {set col 0} {$col < $BM(width)} {incr col} {
                if {$BM(b,$row,$col)} {ShowBitCell $row $col}
     ParseBMP $bitmap
