Tcl 的初始化脚本文件"init.tcl"

风行水上 @




    根据proc tclInit源码整理如下:

     1. $tcl_library
     2. $env(TCL_LIBRARY)
     3.   $env(TCL_LIBRARY)/../tcl8.5    ;# require TCL_LIBRARY ~= /tcl(.*)$
     4. $tclDefaultLibrary || ::tcl::pkgconfig get scriptdir,runtime
     5. $tcl_dir/lib/tcl8.5         ;# tcldir = [file dir [file dir $argv0] ] 
     6. $tcl_dir/../lib/tcl8.5      ;# argv0 = tclsh = $tcl_dir/bin/tclsh
     7. $tcl_dir/library
     8. $tcl_dir/../library
     9. $tcl_dir/../tcl8.5.9/library  ;# info patchlevel
    10. $tcl_dir/../../tcl8.5.9/library
    11. {*}$tcl_libPath
    # Note: 
    tcl8.5   = tcl[info tclversion]
    tcl8.5.9 = tcl[info patchlevel]


    • $TCL_LIBRARY:设置为"/some/path/tcl" 或者 "/some/path/tcl8.5"
    • $0/../lib/tcl8.5,比如 "/some/path/to/tcl/lib/tcl8.5"

    proc tclInit

    if {[namespace which -command tclInit] eq ""} {
      proc tclInit {} {
        global tcl_libPath tcl_library env tclDefaultLibrary
        rename tclInit {}
        if {[info exists tcl_library]} {
     set scripts {{set tcl_library}}
        } else {
     set scripts {}
     if {[info exists env(TCL_LIBRARY)] && ($env(TCL_LIBRARY) ne {})} {
         lappend scripts {set env(TCL_LIBRARY)}
         lappend scripts {
    if {[regexp ^tcl(.*)$ [file tail $env(TCL_LIBRARY)] -> tail] == 0} continue
    if {$tail eq [info tclversion]} continue
    file join [file dirname $env(TCL_LIBRARY)] tcl[info tclversion]}
     if {[info exists tclDefaultLibrary]} {
         lappend scripts {set tclDefaultLibrary}
     } else {
         lappend scripts {::tcl::pkgconfig get scriptdir,runtime}
     lappend scripts {
    set parentDir [file dirname [file dirname [info nameofexecutable]]]
    set grandParentDir [file dirname $parentDir]
    file join $parentDir lib tcl[info tclversion]} \
     {file join $grandParentDir lib tcl[info tclversion]} \
     {file join $parentDir library} \
     {file join $grandParentDir library} \
     {file join $grandParentDir tcl[info patchlevel] library} \
    file join [file dirname $grandParentDir] tcl[info patchlevel] library}
     if {[info exists tcl_libPath]
      && [catch {llength $tcl_libPath} len] == 0} {
         for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i} {
      lappend scripts [list lindex \$tcl_libPath $i]
        set dirs {}
        set errors {}
        foreach script $scripts {
     lappend dirs [eval $script]
     set tcl_library [lindex $dirs end]
     set tclfile [file join $tcl_library init.tcl]
     if {[file exists $tclfile]} {
         if {[catch {uplevel #0 [list source $tclfile]} msg opts]} {
      append errors "$tclfile: $msg
      append errors "[dict get $opts -errorinfo]
         unset -nocomplain tclDefaultLibrary
        unset -nocomplain tclDefaultLibrary
        set msg "Can't find a usable init.tcl in the following directories: 
        append msg " $dirs
        append msg "$errors
        append msg "This probably means that Tcl wasn't installed properly.
        error $msg
